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language training online
langolerta to go

Eine Frau sitzt vor dem Computer und übt ein Bewerbungsgespräch mit einem Lehrer



If you have to interview in a foreign language, preparation is half the battle.

Individual appointments, course fees 250 euros

Jugendliche programmieren Apps.


The extension of our computer courses is for us now the acquisition of a computer language. Even children learn basic knowledge of information technology within international private schools and European schools and deal with coding. On request, we offer so-called mini-languages for children and programming languages for young people and adults.

Each of these languages has its own purpose and is taught by experienced teachers in the field. Just ask and book 10 lessons with langolerta click & go to get started and get a taste for it. From 450 euros in private lessons. For young people from 350 euros or from 200 euros in a group course of 7 students or more.)

(Click & go computer courses since 2005, click & go programming languages on offer since 2019)



Do you need help with grammar?

Our twelve-week course help you to quickly and safely eliminate all problems.

course fees 300 euros

(gram&go since 2018)

Ein Lerner sitzt mit seinem Lehrer am Computer und macht online Sprachunterricht.

langolerta revision&go


If you have learned a language but no longer speak it or use it, you can repeat it, because you don't forget what you've learned once, you just have to refresh your knowledge.

On request, course fees from 350 euros in private mode.

Eine Lehrerin erteilt einen Schreibkurs in Deutsch als Fremdsprache live online.


How do you write texts correctly in a foreign language? How do you start, how do you build up your text and how do you finish it? Small problems with writing have different backgrounds. Come to us, we will help you on your way.




Explicit preparation for exams from the written exam to the Abi and university entrance exams to the language certificate.

Book five appointments with two lesson units each and get yourself ready for your exam (also suitable for your children).

Course fees in private mode 450 euros

(Successful exam preparation in several languages since 2004)

Kaffeepause mit Freunden


An individual compact webinar in which you will learn important colloquial expressions, without which you cannot really master any language.

Course fee 140 euros

(idioms&go, innovative language seminar since 2014)

live online Sprachunterricht mit speak&go


Talk about topics that interest you and choose from our topic catalog or tell us your preferred topics at the beginning of the course. Conversation is the be-all and end-all in networking events and will help you advance professionally, regardless of the language.

(speak&go since 2005)

Frau am Telefon

langolerta phonetics&go

Learn the correct pronunciation with us and tell your husband:

Darling, I speak like an Englishwoman - now we can move to London.

(phonetics&go since 2007)

Ein Mann bucht mit seinem Smartphone einen einen Schnupperkurs in einer Sprache.


Try out a language in two days.

You will acquire basic knowledge that should make it easier for you to get started in the foreign language ... or you were once a language tourist and had interesting webinars.

(try&go since 2005)

Eine Hand, die einen Stift hält und Schwierigkeiten in der Orthographie hat.
Ein älterer Herr, der an seinem Laptop sitzt und lernt Texte zu korrigieren.


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